CLC Council Election 2025

Ready to be a strong voice for your community?
The CLC holds elections every three years to renew its council. If you think you could represent your people for the 2025-2028 council term, this is your chance!
Election meetings will be held in remote communities throughout February and March.
Look out for election notices in your community or call 8951 6211 for more information.
Are you eligible to become a CLC member?
To become an elected member you must be an Aboriginal adult and have lived in the area you want to represent for at least five years, or a traditional owner of the area.
If living elsewhere, you must have stayed connected with the community you want to represent, visited regularly and be accepted by the community. The community decides if you meet these criteria, not the CLC.
Individuals may not qualify if they have been to jail or convicted of certain offences in the last two years. More details during the meetings.
Why join Council?
We need more young people. Council members explain how to join the CLC and why it’s important for young people to get involved.
Follow their steps
Michael Jones, our longest-serving council member, says there is one thing you can do to make 2025 a great year for you and your community.
Meeting dates (Subject to change)
People living in the nominating community/area are strongly encouraged to vote. Elected community representatives will officially start as council members on March 21, before our first council meeting in April.
Adelaide Bore (Woola Downs) | Adelaide Bore – Meeting place | 25 February – 12pm |
Akarnenhe Well | Akarnenhe Well | 6 February |
Alcoota (Engawala) | Engawala (Alcoota) | 4 February |
Alekarenge | TBC | TBC |
Alice Springs (Iwaputaka) | Witchetty’s, Araluen | 7 February – 10am |
Alice Springs / Lhere Artepe Native Title Holders | Through Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corp. | TBC |
Alice Springs Town Camps / Tunkatjira | TBC | TBC |
Alpurrurulam (Lake Nash) | Alpurrurulam (Lake Nash) | 13 February – 10am |
Amoonguna (Ilmwernkenhe) | Amoonguna | 6 February |
Ampilatwatja | Ampilatwatja | 3 March – 10am |
Apatula (Finke) and Homelands | Aputula (Finke) | 12 March |
Arlparra | TBC | TBC |
Atnwengerrpa | Atnwengerrpa | 19 February – 10am |
Atitjere (Harts Range) | Atitjere (Harts Range) | 5 February |
Bamboo Springs | Mistake Creek | Week of 10 March |
Barrow Creek homelands | Barrow Creek Meeting place | 26 February – 1pm |
Bonya | Bonya | 6 February |
Canteen Creek | Canteen Creek | Week of 3 March |
Dagaragu | Dagaragu | 13 March |
Daguragu homelands | Dagaragu | 13 March |
Epenarra (Wutunurrgura) | Wutunugurra (Epenarra) | 5 March |
Ikuntji (Haasts Bluff) | Ikuntji (Haasts Bluff) | TBC |
Ikuntji homelands | Ikuntji (Haasts Bluff) | TBC |
Imangara (Murray Downs) | TBC | TBC |
Imanpa (Mount Ebenezer) | Imanpa (Mount Ebenezer) | 14 February – 10am |
Irrerlirre (McDonald Downs) | Irrerlirre (McDonald Downs) | 6 February |
Irrultja | Irrultja | 18 February – 10am |
Iwupataka | Iwupataka (Alice Springs) | 7 February |
Kaltukatjara (Docker River) | Kaltukatjara – Basketball Court | 12 February – 10am |
Kaltukatjara homelands | Kaltukatjara – Basketball Court | 12 February – 10am |
Karlanjarriyi | Karlanjarriyi | 11 February – 10am |
Kiripi (Mount Denison) | Yuelamu Meeting place | 27 February – 2pm |
Kunayungku | Kunayungku | 13 February – 10am |
Lajamanu | Lajamanu | 11 March |
Lajamanu homelands | Lajamanu | 11 March |
Laramba (Napperby) | Laramba – Meeting place | 28 February – 11am |
Ltyentye Apurte (Santa Teresa) | Ltyentye Apurte | 4 March |
Mangulawurru | Mangulawurru | 12 February – 10am |
Mbunghara | Mbunghara | 10 February |
Mistake Creek | Mistake Creek | 18 March |
Mount Barkly | TBC | TBC |
Mount Eaglebeak | Mount Eaglebeak | 6 February |
Mount Liebig {Amundurmgu) | Mount Liebig {Amundurmgu) | 11 February |
Mount Liebig Homelands | Mount Liebig (Amundurmgu) | 11 February |
Mungkarta | Mungkarta | 20 February – 10am |
Mutitjulu | Mutitjulu – CLC office | 13 February – 10am |
Mutitjulu homelands | Mutitjulu – CLC office | 13 February – 10am |
Ngurratiji (Ngurayminyi) | Ngurratiji (Nguyarrmini) | 18 February – 10am |
Ntaria (Hermannsburg) | Ntaria (Hermannsburg) | 4 March |
Ntaria / Tjuwanpa homelands | Ntaria (Hermannsburg) | 4 March |
Nturiya (Ti Tree Station) | Ti Tree (Meeting place) | 25 February – 10am |
Nyirrpi | Nyirrpi (Shop) | 26 February – 10am |
Papunya | Papunya – CLC office | 4 March |
Papunya homelands | Papunya – CLC office | 4 March |
Pmara Jutunta (Ti Tree Six Mile) | Ti Tree | 17 February |
Purrukuwarra | TBC | TBC |
Sonya | TBC | TBC |
Tanami Downs | Tanami Downs | 12 March |
Tara (Neutral Junction) | Tara (Neutral Junction) | 26 February – 10:30am |
Tennant Creek | Through Patta Aboriginal Corp. | TBC |
Tennant Creek native title holders | Through Patta Aboriginal Corp. | TBC |
Titjikala | Titjikala | 5 March |
Ukaka (Tempe Downs) | Ukaka (Bus stop next to Shire office) | 19 February – 10am |
Urlampe Homelands | Urlampe | 14 February – 10am |
Uruna | Alice Springs | TBC |
Utju (Areyonga) and Homelands | Utju – Bus stop next to Shire office | 19 February – 10am |
Utopia homelands | TBC | TBC |
Wallace Rockhole (Thuiparta) | Wallace Rockhole | 5 March |
Walungurru (Kintore) | Kintore – CLC office | 13 February – 10am |
Walungurru homelands | Kintore – CLC office | 13 February – 10am |
Watarrka (Kings Canyon) homelands | Araluen Witchetty’s | 20 February – 2pm |
Willowra | TBC | TBC |
Wilora (Stirling) | Wilora Meeting place | 26 February – 2:30pm |
Yatemans Bore | TBC | TBC |
Yuelamu (Mount Allan) | Yuelamu (Meeting place) | 27 February – 10am |
Yuelamu homelands | Yuelamu (Meeting place) | 27 February – 10am |
Yuendumu | Yuendumu (CLC office) | 25 February – 11am |
Yuendumu homelands | Yuendumu (CLC office) | 25 February – 11am |