Eastern Plenty

Neville Petrick
Works with the My Pathways Corporation at outstations in his region.
“We work on things like welding beds. I welded a cross for the outstation cemetery. This is my fourth year as a CLC delegate. I learn a lot from the old people at council meetings and talk to people in my region.”

Kevin Bloomfield
Member of the Central Desert Regional Council’s Engawala local authority, former night patrol worker, health worker and clinic driver. Former station hand at the Mount Riddock, Mount Swan, Bushy Park, Marqua, Tarlton Downs, Jervois and Ambalindum pastoral leases.
“I have been helping sick people, family and friends, also with land claims and sacred site protection.”

Peppi Drover
Night patrol worker since 1995 and former councillor on the Central Desert Regional Council.
“I like looking after family and working with Children’s Ground, taking kids out bush and showing them how to cook kangaroo.”
“I am learning from the elders about sacred sites and help with community development meetings.”
“I’m on the council to listen to members and get ideas.”

Andrew Alice
Works for Alice Springs business GST Solutions “landscaping, cleaning around the airport, police houses and the solar farm near the cemetery”.
“I am proud to have worked on building the walking track between Jessie and Emily Gap. We travelled to the Sunshine Coast and won an award for that work.”
“My grandfather Archie Cleary used to be on the council. I am following in his footsteps. I will speak for my country and community. It’s good that I can give them a voice.”

Joshua Rankine
Does community projects for the Arremewelke Council. First time delegate and Sydney Roosters supporter. “I worked to improve Urlampe outstation using exploration royalties.”

David Blue Jnr
Details coming.

Herbie Bloomfield
“I worked for Mt Riddock Station as a youngfella, born and bred there. I learnt many things at the station.
My family got Huckitta Station back and I work there full time.”